Monday, May 7, 2012

A matter of choice..

"You may think that in life, a lot of things happen to you along the way. The truth is, in life, you happen to a lot of things along the way."

Happiness is a choice. I am where I am today because I chose to be here. I am happy today, because I chose to be happy. I was sad yesterday or days passed because I chose to be sad. We are what we choose to be. I was hurt, once, twice because I let them hurt me. I love, because i chose to love. Nobody's going to come and save us, we've got to save ourselves. Nobody's going to give us anything; we've got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what we want except for us. And nobody will be as sorry as you or as mine if you & I won't get it. We've gotta choose what we want before letting others choose for us. Each of us has our own lives to live, and we are accountable for it. We always do what we want to do. This is true with every act. We may say that we had to do something, or that we were forced to, but actually, whatever we do, we do by choice. Only you have the power to choose for yourself and me for my self. 

I have chosen lots of choices way back 13-14 years ago even little things, little decisions. From which toy to buy, which friends to play with, what dress to wear, what hair clip color to tie in my hair, what color of pen, what ice candy to buy or what books to read & etc.. But, of all those decisions I've made, there was this one decision I'd maturely made.. which, I may say, brought me to where I am now.

After I graduated in High School, I have to decide for myself since my parents decided already not to send me to college because of financial predicament. I have to decide for myself, a 16 years old girl should decide. That was the time that I decided to leave our home & work to earn & save money; for myself & for my family, to help them. 

Since then, I was never been away from my parents for even just a week. That was tough on my part, staying in others house for months which I don't know how long, to work. In my 1st month of that scenario, none of those nights where I won't shed tears before going to sleep, even fall asleep with tears in my eyes. But later on, I was able to cope up and think on the positive side instead. What made me feel okay that time? It was when I got this BIG GOD in me, working in me.  Instead of crying every night, I decided to pray every night, that I may able to cope up and not to feel miserable about my life situation. I also prayed for my family that God may guide and give them good health always and feel my love for them despite I'm far from them. I decided and I chose to be happy and just accept the situation I am in right there. I chose to step forward and think that God designed my life that way and God had planned that already. After all, it was a nice experience if only I opened my eyes the time I was in that situation, but I didn't. Well, it's human nature I guess, considering that I am close to my family, I guess, I really should feel the emptiness of having them not in my side. 

So, it's all a matter of choice. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. If in life's trials & problems we chose to stay in there for a long period of time then, expected that we will shed many tears with that problem unsolved. It's either we will miserable or we'll motivate ourselves.  Whatever has to be done, it's always OUR choice. We should remember that we are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. One thing I've learned that in making choices or in decision making, it's also about conquering your fears & your worries. We don't know exactly what lies ahead of us or what will happen to us if we will choose A rather than B or C, right? But we got to decide and it is sometimes the tough choice will bring us to unexpected and a wow result! The highest levels are most certainly filled with those who chose to be there. If we limit our choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, we disconnect ourselves from what we truly want and all that's let is to compromise. Those who choose to succeed always do better than those who never choose at all.

Guys, life is change. Growth is optional. So what are you waiting? It's not only on election day that we should do this, but also, in EVERYDAY of our lives. "Choose wisely."

The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here. I know we are all tough, so, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Seize the day! ^_^

Remember: It's your life, so...

                                       "God bless you beautiful hand-made of God!"

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