Monday, June 4, 2012

The opposite of Loneliness..

I read last few days about the tragic death of recent Yale graduate, Mariana Keegan, who will be remembered as an aspiring writer, actress and activist.  I would not have known her or felt the incredible loss were it not for this touching and impacting essay written only a week ago for her graduation.  Here is a brief excerpt from "The Opposite of Loneliness:"
We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’m grateful and thankful to have found at Yale, and what I’m scared of losing when we wake up tomorrow and leave this place.
It’s not quite love and it’s not quite community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team. When the check is paid and you stay at the table. When it’s four a.m. and no one goes to bed. That night with the guitar. That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt.
This is a really beautiful piece written by a young and talented mind, Marina Keegan, whose life was tragically cut short... I like to try and think that everything happens for a reason, which can be quite difficult at times, especially with news like this. But she left this gem for all of us to take to heart, and hopefully change the lives of some others out there for the better. Marina wrote about solidarity and living life to the fullest - that the best of our lives is ahead of us if we allow it to be, and that we shouldn't live regretting past decisions. Her words are wise beyond her years, and Iwe should all pay close attention to her message. 
I recommend you take five minutes out of your day and read the entire essay.  You'll be glad you did. You'll appreciate your life - and Mariana Keegan's life - so much more. Later in the essay she writes: "We’re so young. We’re so young. We’re twenty-two years old. We have so much time."  No one could have realized that she had only days to live when she wrote this.  
This may be her greatest legacy: to not take life for granted. To not take the connection to one another's lives for granted.  To make the most of every moment.  Not just to get the most out of life, but to give the most back to life.  She wrote about the opposite of loneliness.  The life we live now, we are accountable of it. So live your life as if it’s our last day here. Let me end this by sharing to you few lines of one of my favorite songs, the “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield…
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten”
"God bless you beautiful hand-made of God!" ^_^

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Newly Found Job for Yuppies? Here's your tips!

Starting your first "real" job can be nerve-racking. You're probably excited to have landed a job — but also scared about meeting new colleagues, learning office etiquette, and making the transition from your college classrooms to your corporate cubicle (or whatever your new workspace may consist of).
The days of rolling out of bed and running to class in whatever sweats you can find, taking naps between Spanish 101 and college algebra, and staying up until 2 a.m. doing yesterday's assignments are over. That doesn't fly in the professional world.
Starting a new job requires some preparation and lifestyle changes. "A lot of people look at getting the job offer as the finish line, but really it's the start of another run," says Rosemary Haefner, the vice president of human resources at

Here are some tips for young professionals starting new careers:

Look professional. Start by recreating your wardrobe and sprucing up your appearance. Dress appropriately for the job you've landed. Remember that first impressions can be lasting. If you're dressed to impress, you probably will. "One size doesn't fit all," Haefner says. "People assume 'professional' means a suit, but it depends on the company or industry." Haefner encourages new employees to ask what people typically wear, before your first day. "You don't want to show up in a suit if everyone wears jeans," she says. But it's better to be a bit overdressed the first few days. 

Relax. If you exhibit apprehension, you may not be taken seriously. Be aware of your nervous habits and try to control them. If you ramble when you're nervous, make it a point to limit your chatter.
Be confident. Don't be narcissistic, but show your colleagues that you deserve to be there. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, and believe in your ability to succeed in your new position. One way to exhibit confidence: invite your colleagues to lunch. Haefner says this tactic shows that you aren't the typical quiet new employee.

Be innovative. From day one, confirm that you bring something new to the table. If this applies to your new position, be sure to offer your boss or colleagues ideas for how to enhance the product or company. Most young professionals in a new job take the back seat the first few days, but Haefner suggests jumping right in. "Be there to contribute, or to volunteer for a project when nobody else raises their hand."

Separate work and home. Once you're settled in, avoid making personal calls, sending personal emails or taking long lunch breaks. Show that you are dedicated to your new job and that you want to be there. If you have nothing to do, offer to take on another task or help a colleague who looks overloaded. Not only will you impress the boss, but the days will fly by.

 Communicate. Always be in touch and in tune. Speak up and ask questions, make suggestions and periodically check in with your boss. "Listening is just as important as speaking," Haefner says. "Start a conversation with your boss to ask how you're doing." 

Challenge yourself. Just because you did some research before your interview doesn't mean you know enough to be successful there. Haefner says it can take awhile to get to know the company itself, but it is important to do research, look back at old projects, and find out what has worked for the company or your team in the past. Once you've had the opportunity to become acquainted with your new workplace, evaluated the work environment, observed your fellow employees, and surveyed the office protocol, work flow and discourse, you should set goals for yourself.

Getting through the first few days, weeks or months in a new job is tough, but remember to focus on what you want to get out of the experience.

"God Bless You Beautiful Hand-Made of GOD!" ^_^


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

All about Her

Mary Kay Ashshe was an American businesswoman and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Mary Kay Ash, born Mary Kathlyn Wagner in Texas & was the daughter of Edward Alexander and Lula Vember Hastings Wagner. 

Ash served as Mary Kay Cosmetics' chairman until 1987, when she was named Chairman Emeritus. Fortune magazine recognized Mary Kay Inc. with inclusion in “The 100 best companies to work for in America.” The company was also named one of the best 10 companies for women to work. Her most recent acknowledgments were the “Equal Justice Award” from Legal Services of North Texas in 2001, and “Most Outstanding Woman in Business in the 20th Century” from Lifetime Television in 1999.

Ash remained active in Mary Kay Inc. until suffering a stroke in 1996. Richard Rogers (her son) was named CEO of Mary Kay Inc. in 2001. At the time of Ash's death, Mary Kay Cosmetics had over 800,000 representatives in 37 countries, with total annual sales over $2 billion at retail. As of 2008, Mary Kay Cosmetics has more than 1.7 million consultants worldwide and wholesale volume in excess of 2.2 billion. Mary Kay herself was honored as leading female entrepreneur in American history. 

Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.
Mary Kay Ash authored three books, all of which became best-sellers. Her autobiography, Mary Kay (which I had a copy), has sold more than a million copies and appears in several languages. Mary Kay Ash's third book, You Can Have It All, was launched in August 1995 and achieved "best-seller" status within days of its introduction.

Let me share some of her quotations:

"You can have anything in this world you want, if you want it badly enough and you're willing to pay the price."

"The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.

Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, "Make me feel important." Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life."
"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." 
"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve."  
"Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people. 

"No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important."
"People are definitely a company's greatest asset. It doesn't make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps."

"People fall forward to success."

"Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try."
"Criticize the act, not the person."
"Dare to risk public criticism."
"A company is only as good as the people it keeps."
"A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one."
"Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise."
"You can have anything in this world you want, if you want it badly enough and you're willing to pay the price."
"We treat our people like royalty. If you honor and serve the people who work for you, they will honor and serve you."
"Those who are blessed with the most talent don't necessarily outperform everyone else. It's the people with follow-through who excel."
 "There are two things people want than sex and money... recognition and praise."
"If you think you can and if you think you can't, you're right."

Take it from her..

"God Bless You Beautiful Hand-Made of GOD!" ^_^

"God Within.."

One Sunday afternoon, my boyfriend and I planned to have lunch together somewhere in CdeO. After hearing the Mass, I decided to just wait for him inside G-Mall. While waiting for his text or call, it has been my habit to spend my time reading books inside National Bookstore or in other book stores (which I often do when I'm waiting for him inside Malls). I usually read books of success-stories of different entrepreneurs,  inspirational stories about life or sometimes religious books. I was engrossed of this book of Mary Kay Ash, she was one of the Most Dynamic Businesswoman in America and the book was all about her success story. Frequently, I just read books inside the book store and wouldn't care to buy it, I just read, finished or not, I go & leave the book . Sometimes, I can spend my whole leisure time inside and be able to finish different books during my stay. But, that Sunday afternoon, I don't know but I just found myself getting money from my pocket, went to the cashier and purchase the book. That's it! I bought it.

No text or call from my boyfriend yet, so I decided to read the book while waiting for him. And I tell you, it's A MUST READ book especially those people out there who are planning to have their own business someday. The book is full of encouraging words & the circumstances given are really into reality where I believe every ordinary businessman can experience. Mary Kay talks about how, what, where, when and why -- all about in business & life. She talks about making negatives to positives. Smiling despite the problems she encountered, despite her loss of her husband, she tells us how she was able to manage to smile in front of other people. She was a woman who is indeed full of enthusiasm. I love and was moved with passion in reading her book because she is a God-fearing & religious woman also. She were able to connect every happenings of her life to God's purpose & plans for her. She was a woman whom we can call "selfless" despite her success in life rather than a "selfish" one. Have you heard a woman who, despite her downfall she smiles just because many people, specifically women are in need of that smile & she has to go on with life for her to help others? That's Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics,  a privately held company that sells skin care and cosmetic products. 

Upon reading her book, one of the word that she gave emphasis there is Enthusiasm  which in Greek word means "God within". This word has become the word of mouth of the Mary Kay Cosmetics. As for them, enthusiasm is contagious--even for yourself! That's why every Monday, which for them the end of the care free week-end and the start of work week, enthusiasm plays an important role. They traditionally held their meetings on Mondays and if last week was not good for someone, it was good for someone else probably. So, they often tell their Consultants, "If you had a bad week, you need the unit meeting; if you had a good week, the unit meeting needs you."

So, for me, as a lesson, I believe that everyone can generate enthusiasm in his or her own way, even a parent to his/her children or a teacher to his/her pupils or students. For example, in a family, if a mother starts the day in a grumpy mood, the chances are that the whole family will leave the house with this same attitude. So, even though she might not feel like it, every mother should make an effort to smile and greet her kids a very good morning. Before long, even if she didn't  feel cheerful to begin with, she'll feel better too. 

That's the power of enthusiasm or our smiles! It's contagious. It's like a virus, and you are the carrier. One can take it from you, you can be their influence to be one, just like Mary Kay. As she once said, "My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared". And I believe, Mary Kay Ash did. 

Grab a copy of her book. It's worth your time. 

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember... 
you can achieve."  
- Mary Kay Ash

"God Bless You Beautiful Hand-Made of GOD!" ^_^

Monday, May 7, 2012

A matter of choice..

"You may think that in life, a lot of things happen to you along the way. The truth is, in life, you happen to a lot of things along the way."

Happiness is a choice. I am where I am today because I chose to be here. I am happy today, because I chose to be happy. I was sad yesterday or days passed because I chose to be sad. We are what we choose to be. I was hurt, once, twice because I let them hurt me. I love, because i chose to love. Nobody's going to come and save us, we've got to save ourselves. Nobody's going to give us anything; we've got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what we want except for us. And nobody will be as sorry as you or as mine if you & I won't get it. We've gotta choose what we want before letting others choose for us. Each of us has our own lives to live, and we are accountable for it. We always do what we want to do. This is true with every act. We may say that we had to do something, or that we were forced to, but actually, whatever we do, we do by choice. Only you have the power to choose for yourself and me for my self. 

I have chosen lots of choices way back 13-14 years ago even little things, little decisions. From which toy to buy, which friends to play with, what dress to wear, what hair clip color to tie in my hair, what color of pen, what ice candy to buy or what books to read & etc.. But, of all those decisions I've made, there was this one decision I'd maturely made.. which, I may say, brought me to where I am now.

After I graduated in High School, I have to decide for myself since my parents decided already not to send me to college because of financial predicament. I have to decide for myself, a 16 years old girl should decide. That was the time that I decided to leave our home & work to earn & save money; for myself & for my family, to help them. 

Since then, I was never been away from my parents for even just a week. That was tough on my part, staying in others house for months which I don't know how long, to work. In my 1st month of that scenario, none of those nights where I won't shed tears before going to sleep, even fall asleep with tears in my eyes. But later on, I was able to cope up and think on the positive side instead. What made me feel okay that time? It was when I got this BIG GOD in me, working in me.  Instead of crying every night, I decided to pray every night, that I may able to cope up and not to feel miserable about my life situation. I also prayed for my family that God may guide and give them good health always and feel my love for them despite I'm far from them. I decided and I chose to be happy and just accept the situation I am in right there. I chose to step forward and think that God designed my life that way and God had planned that already. After all, it was a nice experience if only I opened my eyes the time I was in that situation, but I didn't. Well, it's human nature I guess, considering that I am close to my family, I guess, I really should feel the emptiness of having them not in my side. 

So, it's all a matter of choice. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. If in life's trials & problems we chose to stay in there for a long period of time then, expected that we will shed many tears with that problem unsolved. It's either we will miserable or we'll motivate ourselves.  Whatever has to be done, it's always OUR choice. We should remember that we are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. One thing I've learned that in making choices or in decision making, it's also about conquering your fears & your worries. We don't know exactly what lies ahead of us or what will happen to us if we will choose A rather than B or C, right? But we got to decide and it is sometimes the tough choice will bring us to unexpected and a wow result! The highest levels are most certainly filled with those who chose to be there. If we limit our choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, we disconnect ourselves from what we truly want and all that's let is to compromise. Those who choose to succeed always do better than those who never choose at all.

Guys, life is change. Growth is optional. So what are you waiting? It's not only on election day that we should do this, but also, in EVERYDAY of our lives. "Choose wisely."

The end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of the choices you made while you were here. I know we are all tough, so, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Seize the day! ^_^

Remember: It's your life, so...

                                       "God bless you beautiful hand-made of God!"

It WAS a Like.. now, it's Love! :)

a) Civil Engineering
b) Information Technology
c) Business Administration

c) Business Administration

Business Administration course was really my last choice. I really wanted to take up Civil Engineering (CE) or Information Technology since it was the in demand course way back 4 years ago. Top of my list is CE not just to have that "Engr." before my name, but also since elementary that's what I wanted. I remember my elementary years, when my classmates used to have that Autograph thingy, I usually wrote: "To be a Civil Engineer someday" in the What's your ambition question. I was also inspired by our Elementary Graduation guest speaker who happened to be an Engineer of the same field I wanted. She came from a poor family but then she was able to finish her studies & got the title she longed for; "Engr."

Upon entering Capitol University as a working scholar (thank GOD for the blessing), my dream to be an Engr. someday is fading slowly. To be a working scholar, you have to maintain your grade and once you failed in your subject, you will be terminated from the scholarship. I worried. I was afraid. I doubted my capacities. Afraid that what if I will fail and not be able to continue my studies, my parents can't afford to send me to school, so, my second choice was to choose another course. 

Information Technology (IT), my second choice. IT sounds challenging to me. I want to do computer things and dig in my knowledge about this what we call a never ending innovations of computers. I thought its my final and last choice of my course not unless a friend of mine talked to me. She told me that if I will be taking up IT, I should expect that I will be staying in Capitol University for 6-7 years because every computer subjects are credited as 6 units if you are a working scholar. What do I expect? IT has lots of computer subjects, major subjects to be exact. So, until I finally had this one left, my last choice - Business Administration.

If only Business Administration (BA) course can talk, it would probably yell at me and said: "What do you think of me, easy go lucky course?! You just chose me because you have NO choice?! Let's see if what you guys think of me will still be the same once you experienced me and when you're in my environment!" 

Yes! BA is my "no---choice" (peace BA). Not that I don't like BA but its just that it's not my top choice of course in college to take up. So, nevertheless, i chose BA. I took Financial Management as my major. In my first & second semester of BA course, I kinda used to it and kinda like my course. Since in my 1st & 2nd year all subjects are still major ones, was into deciding what major to really take up, should I go for Financial or shift to Marketing Management major? I asked from my friends who are already in their 3rd and 4th year in course if what they  can say about their course. Some Financial major students said I'll go for Financial because it's a lot of fun and I will enjoy the numbers and I will work in a bank someday and etc. Others also, on the contrary, the Marketing majors suggested that I should shift to Marketing Mgt. because it's more nice and if I'll work someday I can be assigned anywhere not like Financial that I would solely be dealing with numbers and be in a bank, not exciting job as they said. I was still in two minds that time, undecided as to what really to  choose. I prayed and ask His guidance and help me decide because I know for sure that whatever my decision will be, I will bear it for the rest of my life and if I will chose the wrong one, it will be risky on my part, I'm thinking of my work in the future, my career. So, still ambivalent, but, I don't know, maybe God's instrument to help me decide, I had with me this man, someone close to my heart, who helped me in choosing my major (which I owe him one). He helped me decide to take up Marketing Management for some "sweet" reasons we both only knew ;-). So, as agreed upon, I chose Marketing Management. 

Day by day, with Marketing as my major, I enjoyed our discussions and topics discussed everyday day. I learned lots of things in the field of business and also I enjoyed and happy to know about economics thing. I then set my mind to like my major. I remember this line of Mary Kay Ash, one of the most dynamic businesswoman in America: "If you want to love something, you must decide to love it. You must decide to be happy with it and be contented of that something. Happiness is a choice." 

Now, as to this day, I'm counting days until my last day here in CU, and I decided to be happy for the rest of my days left in studying my course. I decided to love it, I thought it was just a LIKE thing, but now, I tell yah, I love my chosen Marketing Management major. I am happy for the choice I'd made. My heart goes with it, when I listen to our class discussions, I enjoyed, and I am excited to listen to my Professors. So as to say, I won't regret this choice I chose.

I am nothing without Him who strengthens me. To our Heavenly Father, endless and countless THANKS for EVERYTHING. To the man whom I believed God's instrument in helping me decide this chosen course, this might be just little thing for others but to me it matters a lot, because my choices today, is where my tomorrow dwells. Thank you Baboy... what I like before, is what I love now... 438 days and counting! ;)

What matters most is how well we walk through the fire.

"God bless us beautiful hand-made of GOD!" ^_^

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Invisible...but Obvious

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer,
                  believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24   

I am just an ordinary woman, who lives with my Aunt in one barangay of Cagayan de Oro City. I am a working student in Capitol University and luckily, my aunt's house is near our school so, I need not to ride a jeepney or tricycle every time I go to school. Everyday on my way to school, I will pass through Jesus Nazareno Church & Gaisano City Mall, same route when I go home at night. If in the morning I woke up early, it has been my habit to pray first inside Nazareno Church before heading to school, but if I woke up late, I prayed there in the evening, on my way back to my aunt's home. 

Every morning, while walking along the highway, I can see lots of different people rushing and walking so fast catching up their time for work, afraid they might be late. I can also see beggars & disabled people alongside the street, asking for money, foods or anything that they can make used of. I can also see on the other side a jeepney driver and what we call in bisaya a "konduktor" shouting and calling for passengers. I can also see lots of construction workers, heading to their construction site bringing with them their lunch box prepared probably by their wives. I can also see students from different schools or universities, nurses, office workers and a lot more. Then, while seeing those people passing through, I came to realized & asked myself these questions (almost every morning): 

"What might be their problem from this moment?" 
"This girl beside me, when she left their home, did she kissed her parents? Did she left home happy? or.. had an argument with her parents or siblings instead?"
"This guy in front of me, waiting for a tricycle, is he happy this morning? Does he had enough allowance for today?"
"This beggar beside the street, was she able to eat her dinner last night?"
"These construction workers, are they good? Don't they feel sick and tired of their job? Are they receiving enough wages? Were they able to give their kids' needs & wants? Are their salaries enough for their family?"
"Those students, do they have problems same as mine being a student? Are they also working students like me? Have they been honest to their parents about their grades in school? Are their parents aware of their activities here in the city? Are they living with their parents? or living with some relatives same as mine?"

I have so much questions in my mind that for sure i can't answer right at that moment... My questions in mind doesn't end there, remember what I said? That was when I was walking along the highway... When I am inside the church to pray, that's another story..

When I am inside the church, another set of different people in front, side & back of me. I usually kneel to pray in the second or third pew  inside the church to avoid distractions from people passing through. While walking in the aisle, there i can see people who are silently praying. I can see people crying while praying, some people will just stand at the back to pray and then silently move out (maybe rushing for work). So, before I kneel down to pray, the very thing that usually do is to SMILE IN FRONT OF JESUS. Why did I smile? I smile, as my conclusion to whatever and whoever I saw before I will pray in front of Him. I smile as my way of saying to Him: "Hey, I know that you know already what I'm going to pray today!" or "Hey, I got lots of prayers to say to You today!" :-)

We exactly know that those people I met or maybe those people you (yes! you the one reading this) met are completely STRANGERS for us. Of course, we just saw them that day, we don't know their names, I don't know their names, I don't know where they came from, their age, their works, their number of kids, their workplace, their cellphone numbers and etc. They are STRANGERS to me. But, seeing those faces, by just asking those questions in my mind, I can say that their needs and what they want in their lives are just same as mine, to be happy and to be blessed by God.. and that's not strange for me. I know that every person I met, has problem or problems, might be financial, family, work related, friend-relationship & all the kinds of problems in the world. Invisible, yet obvious. Invisible problems for me since they're strangers but obviously, they need my prayers. They need someone's help, advice, guidance, protection & companionship. We may never know that the very person you met one morning is been suffering from a disease where he/she has no money to buy his/her medications. You were just unaware maybe that the person sitting beside you in a jeepney or tricycle just lost one of his/her family member.. some maybe is broken-hearted, left behind, no money to buy food, no money to pay her/his tuition fees and he/she will not be able to take his/her exam. Those are just INVISIBLE to you, one thing is, OBVIOUSLY, people needs our prayers. People is asking us to pray for them, whatever they've been struggling. A simple prayer will do. 

So, after smiling to Him, I offered prayers for those people I met, that in my part, WHATEVER their INVISIBLE problems are, God will be with them and help them solve those problems... I remember this line from Alexander Whyte: "The greatest and best talent that God gives to any man or woman in this world is the talent of prayer." Offer someone a prayer though you don't know even the least detail about him, even if you just met him in the street or elsewhere. You will never know that by simple prayer, you will save someone from his sufferings. Pray. That's powerful! :-)

So, start now.. How sweet it is to be prayed by someone whom you don't know. Remember this quote: "What goes around, comes around". Someone might be praying for you too.. you just don't know.

"God bless you beautiful hand-made of God!

 Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."  - Matthew 7:7